
2021 / 06 / 08
2021 / 06 / 03
Young people, especially those in the APAC region, face tremendous challenges when participating in ICANN for 2 major reasons: the time zone and the language. | 時差和語言的問題,更是亞太地區年青人參與ICANN時,必須面對的艱鉅挑戰。
2021 / 06 / 02
While it is easy to become a community member, it requires much more commitment and time to participate meaningfully. | 即使成為社群成員並不困難,要達到持續、深度且有意義的參與則需要投入更多承諾與時間。
2021 / 05 / 31
The Domain Name System (DNS) security is part of the forum reinforced the importance of the shared responsibility that all actors bear in maintaining a secure and reliable Internet Infrastructure. | 論壇強調維護DNS安全的重要,也指出是所有利害關係人確保網際網路基礎架構安全、可信賴所共同承擔的責任。
2021 / 05 / 27
Open policy meetings are gatherings that inspire participation, assess needs, and propose improvements to policies to better manage these essential addressing elements of the Internet. | 開放政策會議是激勵參與、評估需求與提出政策改善建議的會議,可以更好的管理這些必要的網路位址元素。
2021 / 05 / 19
DNS abuse is no longer a new topic among the ICANN community, but it appears to continue to attract interest. | 即使DNS濫用在ICANN社群討論中已不再是新的議題,眾人的興趣仍持續受其吸引著。
2021 / 05 / 17
TWNIC has an obligation – as a key member of the Internet Governance community – to adopt and promote modern technical standards, which mitigate cyber threats and ensure the Internet can be sustained in the long run. | 身為網路治理社群的一分子,有義務採納並推廣現代技術標準,進一步減緩安全威脅,確保網際網路的永續發展。
2021 / 05 / 13
Participation in Internet governance is important as no one person, organization, company, or government controls the Internet. | 參與網路治理非常重要,沒有單一個人、組織、商業公司或政府能控制網際網路。網路的演進是由多方利害關係人共享的原則跟決策機制所形塑。
2021 / 05 / 07
2021 / 04 / 28
ICANN及TWNIC共同舉辦2nd ICANN APAC-TWNIC Engagement Forum with 35th TWNIC IP Open Policy Meeting,成功聚合台灣網路相關利害關係人與國際網路社群,以域名、IP位址及網路安全三大主題,從不同社群意見探討全球最新網路議題發展
2021 / 06 / 08
2021 / 06 / 03
Young people, especially those in the APAC region, face tremendous challenges when participating in ICANN for 2 major reasons: the time zone and the language. | 時差和語言的問題,更是亞太地區年青人參與ICANN時,必須面對的艱鉅挑戰。
2021 / 06 / 02
While it is easy to become a community member, it requires much more commitment and time to participate meaningfully. | 即使成為社群成員並不困難,要達到持續、深度且有意義的參與則需要投入更多承諾與時間。
2021 / 05 / 31
The Domain Name System (DNS) security is part of the forum reinforced the importance of the shared responsibility that all actors bear in maintaining a secure and reliable Internet Infrastructure. | 論壇強調維護DNS安全的重要,也指出是所有利害關係人確保網際網路基礎架構安全、可信賴所共同承擔的責任。
2021 / 05 / 27
Open policy meetings are gatherings that inspire participation, assess needs, and propose improvements to policies to better manage these essential addressing elements of the Internet. | 開放政策會議是激勵參與、評估需求與提出政策改善建議的會議,可以更好的管理這些必要的網路位址元素。
2021 / 05 / 19
DNS abuse is no longer a new topic among the ICANN community, but it appears to continue to attract interest. | 即使DNS濫用在ICANN社群討論中已不再是新的議題,眾人的興趣仍持續受其吸引著。
2021 / 05 / 17
TWNIC has an obligation – as a key member of the Internet Governance community – to adopt and promote modern technical standards, which mitigate cyber threats and ensure the Internet can be sustained in the long run. | 身為網路治理社群的一分子,有義務採納並推廣現代技術標準,進一步減緩安全威脅,確保網際網路的永續發展。
2021 / 05 / 13
Participation in Internet governance is important as no one person, organization, company, or government controls the Internet. | 參與網路治理非常重要,沒有單一個人、組織、商業公司或政府能控制網際網路。網路的演進是由多方利害關係人共享的原則跟決策機制所形塑。
2021 / 05 / 07
2021 / 04 / 28
ICANN及TWNIC共同舉辦2nd ICANN APAC-TWNIC Engagement Forum with 35th TWNIC IP Open Policy Meeting,成功聚合台灣網路相關利害關係人與國際網路社群,以域名、IP位址及網路安全三大主題,從不同社群意見探討全球最新網路議題發展
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