How the Taiwanese Community Participates in ICANN

Assistant Manager, National Information Infrastructure Enterprise Promotion Association (NIIEPA)

During the second ICANN APAC-TWNIC Engagement Forum, I was honored to be one of the panelists of the ‘How to be a member of ICANN stakeholders’ session. Kuo-wei Wu, a well-known ICANN veteran in Taiwan, was our moderator. Kuo-wei is also the founder and current chair of the Taiwan Internet Governance Forum (TWIGF), which made him the best fit for hosting this session! Other ICANN community members from Taiwan included Nicole Chan (ASO), Morris Lin (GAC), Joy Chan (ccNSO), and me (GNSO).

The Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) is composed of governments and International Governmental Organizations (IGOs). A GAC representative is often associated with a specific governmental position; as a result, the turnover rate of GAC delegates is usually quite high. Morris Lin has been Taiwan’s GAC representative since I started attending ICANN meetings in 2018; suffice to say that he’s more experienced than many of us. During his remarks, Morris noted that the GAC doesn’t develop policies, it only provides advice to the ICANN Board. Moreover, since one has to be a government official to be a GAC member, it is not easy for an ordinary person to join that group. However, Morris welcomes people to bring topics they are concerned about to him and expressed a willingness to address those topics during GAC meetings as long as they are in line with Taiwanese public interest and policy.

Compared to other people on the panel, Nicole Chan is relatively new to ICANN. Appointed by APNIC to the ASO’s Addressing Council (AC), Nicole is almost halfway through her one-year term as an ASO AC member. The Addressing Support Organization (ASO) is comprised of representatives of the 5 Regional Internet Registries (RIRs), and is responsible for advising the ICANN Board on global policy issues relating to the operation, allocation, and management of IP addresses. ASO AC is also responsible for filling 2 seats on the ICANN Board. As the term of one of the ASO representatives on the ICANN Board ends this year, Nicole told us that the AC has been busy going through the appointment process, which led to her having to attend multiple special meetings for the last few months.

Joy Chan is the Deputy CEO of TWNIC, the country code Top Level Domain (ccTLD) manager of .TW. The Country Code Names Supporting Organization (ccNSO) provides a platform to nurture consensus, technical cooperation, and skill-building among ccTLDs, and facilitates the development of voluntary best practices for ccTLD managers. Because of Joy’s technical background, she is also active in other Internet forums, currently serving as the chair of the Cooperation Special Interest Group (SIG) in APNIC. She hosted a session on the first day discussing Digital Transformation, and I highly recommend you watch the session recording if you missed it!

I started attending ICANN meetings in 2018 and became an NCSG (the Noncommercial Stakeholder Group under the Generic Names Supporting Organization or GNSO) member during the ICANN66 Montreal meeting in 2019. Drawing from my experience as a current working group member of the GNSO’s Policy Development Process (PDP), I pointed out that while it is easy to become a community member, it requires much more commitment and time to participate meaningfully. I will explain in more detail my argument in the next post. Stay tuned!


我很榮幸受邀參加第二次ICANN APAC- TWNIC合作交流論壇的「How to be a member of ICANN stakeholders」場次。台灣著名的ICANN資深參與者吳國維先生是此場次的主持人。他同時也是台灣網路治理論壇(TWIGF)的創辦人與現任主席,可說是主持本場次的不二人選!其他在台灣的ICANN社群成員包括現任位址支援組織(Addressing Supporting Organization,ASO)理事的詹婷怡律師、我國參與政府諮詢委員會(Governmental Advisory Committee,GAC)代表林茂雄副司長、代表.TW參與國碼域名支援組織(Country Code Names Supporting Organization,ccNSO)的台灣網路資訊中心(TWNIC)副執行長丁綺萍,以及身為通用域名支援組織(Generic Names Supporting Organization,GNSO)成員的我。

GAC主要由國家政府及跨國政府組織(International Governmental Organizations,IGOs)組成,所以要成為GAC成員,必須任職於國家機關,並非任何人都可加入,因此GAC代表輪替的頻率也相對高。林副司長自我於2018年起參與ICANN會議時即為台灣的GAC代表,相較大部分人來說更具有經驗。他說明,GAC作為諮詢委員會,僅對董事會提出建議,無權制定政策。雖然非政府官員的一般人可能難以加入GAC,但是歡迎大家提出關心的議題給他,在符合台灣人民的公共利益及政策的情形下,林副司長很樂意在GAC會議上提出這些議題。

與舞台上的其他人相較,詹婷怡是較近期參與ICANN。自APNIC執委會指派她為ASO中位址理事會(Addressing Council,AC)成員後,已屆一年任期的一半。ASO由全球5個區域網際網路註冊管理機構(Regional Internet Registry,RIR)各自推派代表組成,職責是向董事會提出關於IP位址運作、分配及管理的全球政策建議。ASO在ICANN董事會中占有兩個席次,詹律師分享,由於ASO推派的董事其中一位任期將於年底屆滿,AC今年擔負選出下任董事的重責大任,因此過去幾個月常常都有必須參加的特別會議。

丁綺萍是TWNIC的副執行長,TWNIC是我國國碼頂級域名(country code Top Level Domain,ccTLD).TW的註冊管理機構。ccNSO提供培育共識、技術合作與ccTLD管理機構的技能建立平台,並促進管理機構自願發展最佳實踐。由於丁副執行長的技術背景,她也持續活躍參與其他網路論壇,目前為APNIC的合作特別興趣小組主席。她另外於第一天主持數位轉型場次的討論,若您錯過該場次,我強烈推薦您觀看會議錄影

我於2018開始參與ICANN會議,並在2019年的ICANN66蒙特婁會議成為非營利利害關係人團體(Noncommercial Stakeholder Group,NCSG)成員。從我目前是GNSO的政策制定流程(Policy Development Process,PDP)工作小組成員的經驗來說,我想說明的是即使成為社群成員並不困難,要達到持續、深度且有意義的參與則需要投入更多承諾與時間。我將在下一則部落格文章詳細說明,請拭目以待!

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