【TWIGF2023】Tutorial開啟正式會議的關鍵,課題一、網路主權Cyber Sovereignty


TWIGF2023臺灣網路治理論壇 年度大會將於10月3日(二)-5日(四)在富邦國際會議中心與大家見面。在Day0 (10/3) 首次規劃「Tutorial Day」邀請多位重量級國際專家訪台參與,規劃四場課題【提供公務人員終身學習時數,依出席情形核給認證時數】

其中第一堂課題【網路主權Cyber Sovereignty】由美國喬治亞理工學院Milton Muller教授主講,內容十分精彩,千萬不能錯過!


This panel will discuss how the core Internet functions and services are global and not territorially fragmented. This introduces a tension, and sometimes conflict, between state sovereignty and policy development for the global internet. This panel will

  1. Explain the history of ideas about the relationship between cyberspace and sovereignty
  2. Review the digital sovereignty debate as it has developed in Europe, China, the USA and India
  3. Raise the question of how much cyber sovereignty is too much cyber sovereignty
  4. Discuss how cyber sovereignty debates relate to Taiwan








首次規劃「Tutorial Day」的4大講習:

Panel Discussion:ICANN在網路治理的作用與其發展

◆#網路主權 | Cyber Sovereignty

◆#虛假訊息 | Disinformation

◆#數位經濟 | Digital Economy

◆#數位人權 | Digital Human Rights



Panel Discussion:危機中的DNS韌性與安全


★Protective measures for Internet governance in an increasingly fractured world



★AI發展與隱私權保護 — 著重於去識別化、匿名化、與假名化之討論


★Indo-Pacific AI Regulatory Trends

★Embracing the Era of Generative AI – Ethics, Law and Regulation.

★世界再沒有真實?AI 時代虛假內容的衝擊與應對


★Private Production of Trust: Digital Certificate Governance

★Safeguarding an Open, Trustworthy, Interoperable, Secure, and Resilient Internet in Taiwan

★Advancing inclusive and equitable digital ecosystems and an open and democratic internet





★How do we ensure the network is resilient? – lessons with cases in Japan


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