網路小百科:開放性 (Openness)

網際網路最重要的技術特徵為「開放性」(openness),這種特徵可讓使用網際網路者輕易地運用新的技術與其他上網者溝通。事實上,這種開放性乃受惠於早期網際網路的開路先鋒所訂定的通訊協定(protocol):電腦之間通信與資料傳送所遵守網際網路通訊協定(Internet Protocol,簡稱IP)所影響。

One of the core values of the Internet being an open platform with open processes.


Some Internet stakeholders assume that a healthy and sustainable Internet is based on the principle of openness comprising first of all:

In addition to general terms there are several legal term, such as open access, Creative Commons (CC)(link is external) and others. Group: 1. Internet governance general


Internet Governance Glossary | UNESCO 檢自:https://www.ftc.gov.tw/upload/seminar/06-03.pdf


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