2017 Taiwan Wireless Internet Usage Survey Explored the Digital Society Development in Taiwan

The lifestyle of being constantly connected to the Internet has sped up the development of a digital society. To further understand digital society development in Taiwan, the research topic of 2017 Taiwan Wireless Internet Usage Survey was specifically set as “Explore the Relationship between the Usage of Wireless Internet and the Development of Digitalized Society in Taiwan.”

To fully discuss the issue, the survey explored the aspects of  Taiwan  wireless Internet usage, including wireless Internet user population distribution, wireless Internet users’ behaviors, lifestyles in a mobile digital society, and the digital civic literacy of Internet users in Taiwan.

The result of this survey was released on the TWNIC official website as a reference for academic, industry, and policy-making fields. To observe the development and application of wireless Internet in Taiwan, the TWNIC annually conducts “Taiwan Wireless Internet Usage Survey.”

The survey results over the years can be found: https://www.twnic.net.tw/stat.php

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