網路安全(Internet Safety/Security)

同被稱為網路安全的Internet Security與Internet Safety是高度相關的。歐洲聯盟執行委員會認為安全(Security)不僅是人身安全(personal safety)的基本,它還為我們的經濟、社會和民主提供了信心和活絡的基礎。因此網路安全被認為是一個普遍的政策議題。與個人層面的犯罪、健康及安全議題皆被視為維持全球穩定的挑戰。


  • Security is not only the basis for personal safety, it also provides the foundation for confidence and dynamism in our economy, our society and our democracy.
  • when the internet infrastructure is perceived as a critical environment, specific security-challenges are dealt with by the internet governance measures that are tailored to bring about guarantees surrounding the internet’s technical functioning.


Internet Governance Forum. Glossary of Platform Law and Policy Terms. Internet Safety

檢自:https://www.intgovforum.org/zh-hans/filedepot_download/4905/2373 (Nov. 20 , 2022)

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