電腦緊急應變小組(Computer Emergency Response (or Readiness) Team,CERT)


  • Teams of security and computer experts organised at national and government, corporate, or other levels, to prevent and instantly react to cyber-attacks or major incidents on networked systems in order to limit damage and ensure the continuity of critical services.


Internet Society(2019). INTERNET GOVERNANCE_Acronym_glossary_2019. CERT

TWCERT/CC. 台灣電腦網路危機處理暨協調中心.


https://www.diplomacy.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/IG_Acronym_glossary_2019.pdf (Feb. 20 , 2023)

https://www.twcert.org.tw/tw/mp-1.html (Feb. 20 , 2023)

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