第二屆ICANN APAC-TWNIC Engagement Forum延期通知


再次的感謝您對本次「第二屆ICANN APAC-TWNIC Engagement Forum」的支持與贊助。

由於COVID-19疫情對全球所造成之重大影響,至今仍無法完全消除對公共衛生及安全之疑慮,且6月17日我國對短期商務人士入境,可有條件申請縮短居家檢疫時間新公布之規定,仍對來臺與會之國外講者及與會者之入境造成影響;有鑑於此,主辦單位已決定將今年度「第二屆ICANN APAC-TWNIC Engagement Forum 與第34屆TWNIC IP政策資源管理會議」(The 2nd ICANN APAC-TWNIC Engagement Forum with the 34th TWNIC IP Open Policy Meeting )延至2021年舉辦,您的贊助項目將予以保留並維持原贊助權益。

原論壇因COVID-19疫情之影響,之前已決定延期至今年11月12-13日舉辦。然而,全球疫情至今仍未完全趨緩,在無法預期各國在未來幾個月後的邊境管制方式,以及我國政府已於6月17日針對國外旅客來臺之最新規定(連結) :「完成申請之商務人士如出發地為低感染風險國家/地區,於入境後可向入住防疫旅館所在地方衛生主管機關申請於第5天自費篩檢;如為中低風險國家則可於入境後第7天自費篩檢。取得檢驗結果陰性報告後,即可向地方衛生主管機關申請改為自主健康管理至入境後21天,自主健康管理期間仍應每日量測體溫及配合雙向簡訊回報健康狀況,並依行程表安排進行有限度之商務活動,且採實名制,記錄每日活動及接觸人員,儘量避免出入公共場所,外出時,嚴格遵守全程佩戴口罩。」。

目前諸多國際會議或比賽,皆在無法掌握各國邊境管制及公共衛生考量下,如東京奧運已順延至2021年、ICANN今年二次會議仍採線上參與、將於9月舉辦的APNIC 50亦已宣布改採線上參與模式。經論壇主辦單位彙整各項資訊,將公共衛生、邊境管制及會議舉辦對參與者之健康安全風險等因素綜合考量後,已正式決定將今年度之The ICANN APAC-TWNIC Engagement Forum延至2021年辦理。




Dear Participant of Engagement Forum,

Thank you again for your support to the 2nd ICANN APAC-TWNIC Engagement Forum.

Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is still our concern about public health and safety. On June 17th, our government just announced new regulations on business tourists entering Taiwan, which will affect the foreign speakers and participants. In view of this, TWNIC decided that this year’s The ICANN APAC-TWNIC Engagement Forum will be postponed to the year 2021.

The Forum had previously been decided to postpone until 12-13 November this year. However, the severe global situation of COVID-19 pandemic has not yet been completely eased. It is impossible to anticipate the ease of border control of various countries in the next few months.

Meanwhile, at present many international conferences or sports competitions are postponed, canceled, or by remote participation under the considerations of border control and public health. For example, the Tokyo Olympics has been postponed to 2021, ICANN’s three meetings in this year are online events, and APNIC 50 in September has also been changed to online participation.

After consolidating all the information, and taking into consideration of public health, border control, and the risks of public health and safety to all Forum participants, we decided to postpone the ICANN APAC-TWNIC Engagement Forum to the year 2021.

Thank you again for your support to this Forum and your understanding of the postponement. We hope that the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic will be alleviated as soon as possible.

Stay healthy and safe.

Best regards,

Taiwan Network Information Center

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