
TANET 2019 – 臺灣網際網路研討會 資訊展望 X 5新啟航

活動時間:2019/9/25 – 2019/9/27

新加坡資安市場解密講座: 台灣資安浴血東南亞叢林戰鬥之起點

基於新加坡的關鍵定位,本會特別邀請Accrete Innovation創辦人 Edmas Neo先生來台傳授心法,協助國內資安業者爭取國際資金投資,提昇其接軌國際市場之能量。
Edmas Neo先生擁有超過20年的產業經驗,橫跨私人公司與政府部門,擔任科技、創新、創業、及策略顧問,他曾在IBM擔任資安顧問(Certified Solution Expert),負責金融、醫療及政府客戶。之後加入政府IDA(Infocomm Development Authority)以及Infocomm Investments,投入各種加速器計劃,包括SEA Anchor和TAGPASS等,有效推動新加坡、韓國和台灣100多個創業團隊在國際市場上的拓展。並且在他擔任 創業行動社群Action Community for Entrepreneurship (ACE) 執行長的期間,ACE國際中心成功將其足跡擴展到曼谷和中國。吸引來自16個城市的合作夥伴,創建了一個超過25,000家創業公司的網絡,為區域生態體系帶來了巨大的價值。

New Attacks against Blockchain and 5G Networks

活動概要:資安Rank-One研討會常客講師,國立新加坡大學Min Suk Kang 助理教授
Main Research:Internet denial-of-service problems, cellular network security, and Internet privacy.
Recent Publications:2019“ Practical Verifiable In-network Filtering for DDoS Defense”
2019“SurFi: Detecting Surveillance Camera Looping Attacks with Wi-Fi Channel State Information”


活動時間:2019/8/8 – 8/11
活動地點:Paris Las Vegas
Las Vegas, NV 89109, US
活動概要:The DEF CON 27 Theme: ‘Technology’s Promise’:
DEF CON 26 was about the inflection point between disorder and dystopia – the moment before the point of no return. The DEF CON 27 theme, in a way, responds to ‘1983’ with new questions. What does it look like when we make the better choice? What kind of world do we hack together in the sunniest timeline? How does our real best-case scenario compare to the future we’ve been dreaming of for generations?
Extra consideration will be granted for submissions that tie into this year’s theme. We want you to hear about your hacks and research, and how will it relate to the discussions below.

1) Cypherpunk and “engineering out of the problem”.:
Tim May was once quoted saying anonymity online would “alter completely the nature of government regulation, the ability to tax and control economic interactions, the ability to keep information secret.” At the time his manifesto was for “both a social and economic revolution” and so began the newly formed “Cypherpunks”. Cypherpunks invented cryptography with the aim of abolishing big brother, but 30 years later we have big corporations in their place. Large corporations have insured that the 21st century hasn’t come without compromises.
Crypto-anarchism is still alive and well today in well known examples like Tor, Freenet, cryptocurrencies, etc. Tell us what you’re doing now to circumvent the future we’re living in? Corporations are developing advanced facial recognition and becoming “the new big brother”. Social media is exchanging a false sense of freedom at the expense of a total removal of anonymity. The Cypherpunk ethos will have to adapt now that we have merged the “instagram-able” life, biometrics, ML, IOT, and micro-targeting. To build a future that doesn’t limit our love of modern technology and socialization at the expense of freedom will require decentralization and anonymity technology breakthroughs. What are you doing to engineer your way out of these problems?

2) “Keep InfoSec out of Hacking”:
DEF CON wants to support the culture of hacking. Between the TV interviews and the assessments we are still the same people with funny names threading the eye of the needle to make the next breakthrough. Hackers have become mainstream, seemingly to leave the underground to make a “legitimate” living. The industry has developed policies for ethical hacking, multimillion dollar pentesting orgs, bug bounty programs, and set the foundations of security for behemoth corporations. Being paid for hacking was the dream, but now it is an industry unto itself that focuses predominantly on enterprise.
DEF CON is a hacker con, not an InfoSec conference. Hackers are more focused on the joy of discovery, irreverence, novel if impractical approaches. InfoSec is more focused on enterprise, frameworks, and protecting the interests of share holders. There is great value in both types of content, but our con is a hacker con by design.
Activities that enable the hacker mindset and demonstrate how to master a certain technique are always going to be selected over a great enterprise InfoSec talk. DEF CON has always tried to provide a way to amplify the work of hackers, to create a venue for research that allows for others to grow. The idea that technology should be free was written into the subtext of “The Hacker Manifesto” and is just as valid today as it was 33 years ago.

3) We want the computer from Star Trek, what we’re getting is HAL 9000.:
At DEF CON 24 we hosted DARPA’s Grand Cyber Challenge, a challenge to the innovation community with a $2M prize to build a computer that can hack and patch software with no one at the keyboard. This was a lot of fun, and yet there were whispers among us of a future where artificial intelligence will render some human jobs irrelevant. We can see ourselves approaching an event horizon of automation. This technology is not without a price, but how do we get to the utopian world where we ask a computer to make us a cup of earl grey without landing ourselves in a black mirror dystopia? Engineers are developing smart home devices with disembodied voices, while hackers are quick to shout tropes of “NSA listening devices”. Is the reckless misuse of technology leading us to a dark future? What can hackers do to help achieve the sunniest timeline?
Above are some suggested topics that loosely align with the theme, we consider all talk subjects. If your talk doesn’t fit in one of these topics don’t worry, the suggested themes are just a starting point. We’ve dozens of speaking slots, the tracks will be filled with a clustering of subjects; hardware hacking, lock picking, mobile hacking, reverse engineering, legalities of hacking, and more.

CLOUDSEC 企業資安高峰論壇 2019

活動地點:台北國際會議中心 (TICC)
活動概要:PICTURE THIS! See. Secure. Go Further. 擘畫企業安全藍圖,帶您看更廣,走更遠
形塑網路安全為一個戰略,運籌帷幄,敏銳地管理不斷變化的威脅和風險… 這一切令人嚮往,而您的企業,是否已具備如此能力?
「CLOUDSEC 企業資安高峰論壇 2019」將帶您在混亂的世代中看得更清楚, 掌握多樣化的技術和洞悉複雜的IT架構,從不同的角度、不同產業案例,看到更多事件的蛛絲馬跡;即使面對挑戰也能從容以對。

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