ICANN 61 San Juan Meetings

網際網路名稱與號碼指配組織(Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, ICANN)3月10日至15日於San Juan, Puerto Rico召開會議,這是ICANN第61次會議,屬社群論壇之性質,主要為ICANN社群、董事會和相關組織的聚會討論。該論壇吸引了來自150個國家的商業,政府,民間社會和技術社群2,000多名與會者,這次會議亦舉辦2場公共論壇及4個跨社群議程,以及相關推展活動。來自不同背景的全球利益相關者和社群參與者之各種觀點將有助於協調並支持網際網路唯一識別碼(unique identifiers of the Internet)能透過多利益相關方模式以達成共識來通過政策制定。其中以去年實施的歐盟“一般數據保護條例”(GDPR)之推動影響,成為此次ICANN61 San Juan Meeting重要的議題。


此次會議的重點著眼於ICANN對因應EU GDPR過渡性模式之方案,旨在確保ICANN和1,000多個通用頂級域名註冊管理機構符合現有ICANN關於收集註冊資料(稱為WHOIS資料庫)的要求,並同時符合歐盟的隱私保護要求。企業參與者還提出了建立認證機制的建議,以便第三方獲得執法,消費者保護,品牌管理和知識產權保護數據的數據。以下即針對ICANN此次會議中有關ccNSO、Root DNS KSK Rollover、EU GDPR之因應等議題之參與、觀察及建議。

ICANN 董事會主席Cherine Chalab於ICANN 61 San Juan Meeting開幕致詞

新就任的ICANN 董事會主席Cherine Chalab於ICANN 61 San Juan Meeting開幕致詞時,即從戰略性的目標來談ICANN 2021至2025年的長期計畫。Chalab表示:「在2025年將會與我們今天在戰略計劃中所描述的不同。但這同樣適用於我們的任務。這在新的戰略計劃中也不會改變,因為它已經刻在我們的章程中。因此,我們的重點將放在我們的戰略目標上。我們的戰略計劃的第三部分,為了有效地制定這一目標,首先,我們必須從內部和外部及從董事會及ICANN工作同仁來開始了解並鑑別這些關鍵趨勢和主要影響,這可能會影響我們實現願景和實現董事會使命的能力。」(In the year 2025 will be different from what is described today in our strategic plan; the same applies to our mission. This also will not change in the new strategic plan because it’s already engraved and written into our bylaws. Hence, our focus is going to be on our strategic objective. The third part of our strategic plan and to develop this objective effectively we must start by understanding and identifying the key trends and forces internal as well as external that could have an impact on our ability to meet our vision and deliver on our mission the board and staff began thinking about these trends.)

在演說中Chalab接櫫了10個趨勢的初步清單,與ICANN社群分享:「我希望與您分享這10個趨勢的初步清單,安全性問題是排行首要的且是和其他清單中相關聯的重要趨勢。我們將如何應對網絡和實體安全風險和威脅的增加?排名第二的路由服務。我們應該如何支持路由服務體系的發展以確保持續的快速復原力?排名第三的域名系統。 DNS將如何發展以因應域名使用和新技術影響的變化? ICANN的財務排第四。面對市場不可避免的變化,我們必須做些什麼來確保ICANN財務保持穩健?我們的多利害關係方模式排第五。我們如何繼續調整以支持包容性和有效性的多重目標?第六是國際戰略,以何種方式將能達到多樣性的代表。第七將這些代表區域的代表及多樣具體的再現於ICANN組織和董事會所有層級的代表性。第八是人權。我們如何履行我們對在商業活動中尊重人權核心價值的承諾,而不僅以擴大建立圖標為使命。排名第九是志願者和員工。我們如何更好地利用激勵和更新我們的志願者參與,以及如何處理我們員工不斷增長的需求。最後在無法預料的趨勢排名第十位。我們如何在新的戰略計劃中保持靈活性,以應對未來不可預見的經濟技術和政治挑戰?董事會不認為這是一個詳盡的趨勢列表,我們期待著整個社區的貢獻。因此,該清單應視為一個起點,以便我們在波多黎各和巴拿馬就ICANN新戰略計劃開始在這裡開展合作時,我們的合作成果將會非常豐碩。」 (A preliminary list of ten of these trends which I would like to share with you and the main question in each one of them first on security. How will we tackle the increased risk and threat to security both cyber and physical? Number two on the route service. How should we support the evolution of the route service system to ensure sustained resilience? Number three on the domain name system. How will the DNS evolve to encompass changes in the use of domain names and the impact of newer technology? Number four on ICANN financials. What must we do to ensure ICANN remains financially robust in the face of inevitable changes in the marketplace? Number five on our multi-stakeholder model. How do we continue to adapt it in order to support our multiple goals of inclusiveness and effectiveness? Number six on icons International Strategy in what way I can see oh graphical presence should evolve in order to support our global community on diversity. How do we improve and sustain representation across all levels of the community of ICANN org and the board? Number eight on Human Rights. How do we honor our commitment to respect human rights core values in our business activities without expanding icons mission. Number nine on volunteers and staff. How do we better harness motivate and renew our volunteers and how do we handle ever growing demands on our staff. And finally number 10 on unforeseen trends. How do we maintain flexibility in our new strategic plan to address future unforeseen economical technological and political challenges? The board does not believe that this is an exhaustive list of trends and we look forward to the contribution across the community. This list should therefore be seen as a starting point so that our collaborative efforts are most fruitful as we begin working together here in Puerto Rico and in Panama on the new ICANN strategic plan.)


ICANN提出了所謂的Calzone過渡性模式(Calzone Interim Model),這是ICANN堅持努力平衡各不同社群利害關係相關方所提出的建議的一種方法,以追求合法的商業和公共利益。

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